Porting Mortgage Advice in Nottingham

You will find that a large portion of high street mortgages that are on the market are portable. To put it simply, a portable mortgage is where you can move from one property to another without the need to pay a penalty fee. If you are looking to move to a new house and are currently in the middle of a fixed rate deal, a portable mortgage could be beneficial as you potentially could be able to avoid an early repayment charge.

Are all mortgages portable?

Not all mortgages are portable and being with a specialist lender might not provide you with the option to port your mortgage to another property. To determine whether or not this is a possible option for you, get in contact with your lender and ask them.

Should I port my mortgage?

Some people may not proceed with the option of porting their mortgage even if they have had the option to. The reasoning behind why customers might not want to port can be down to a number of factors. Sometimes, customers don’t port because lenders aren’t lending additional funds that a person needs to move or that the additional funds will be at a different rate to the one you have on your existing deal. Overlooking the repayment charge and swapping to a different lender altogether might be something you decide to do if it fits well with the new deal you are offered. 

What is a sub-account?

This is an account that will be created onto your mortgage when you decide to port it and the additional funds will end up being on a deal that is different from the original one. This means there will be two different rates of interest that are applied even though you have one mortgage and one direct debit.

One factor that may become a nuisance for you in the future with your sub accounts is that different products could overlap. This means you may need to get them aligned back at some point which will involve one of the sub accounts having to go onto the lenders’ variable rate for a period of time.

Buy to Let Mortgage Advice in Nottingham

Get in touch with a buy to let and moving home mortgage advisor in Nottingham like ourselves if you are looking for an expert opinion. With our experience of dealing with thousands of applicants in this situation, we may have a good idea of how to help customers with their mortgage needs.

Date Last Edited: November 21, 2023